Predict-2-Earn at zero risk.
Accumulating Points
Earn points through various activities on the platform:
Predictions: Earn points based on the accuracy of your predictions.
Social Sharing: Share your predictions and results on social media.
Referrals: Invite friends to join ScorePlay using your referral code.
Custom Challenges: Create and participate in unique prediction challenges.
Placing a Prediction
Select an Event: Navigate to the Predict Section and choose an event you want to predict.
Submit Prediction: Enter your prediction details and submit.
Confirm Submission: Ensure your prediction has been successfully recorded. on Profile
Example Steps:
Go to Free-To-Play.
Click on the desired event.
Select the type of prediction.
Enter your prediction and submit.
Types of Predictions
Win Prediction: Predict the winner of a game.
Score Prediction: Predict the exact score of a game.
Predictions on F1 and MMA can have a different amount of points awarded to winners and participants.
Last updated